Jonny is a filmmaker and Si is a 3D graphic artist. We are two brothers who love films. If you do as well, maybe you‘ll enjoy listening to us discuss movies, good and bad, while we relive our childhoods, deconstruct them and go off on tangents. Be advised, this podcast contains strong language, including sexual swearwords.

Monday Dec 09, 2024
EPISODE 42 - Wicked (2024) - 09-12-24 - "Wozniak or Wosniak?"
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Welcome back, Wosnites! It's Jaycega and Esjega (figure it out once you listen to Trivia Corner) back once again with another show-stopping offering that totally defies gravity. Yes, this episode is either going to be our most pop-uhoo-lar or it'll be met with unadulterated loathing. But I say, let it go, just kick back and listen to our dulcet tones and let us wash over you, don't question it (life's fraughtless when you're thoughtless), don't ask yourselves "what is this feeling?" We're just here to give the people what they want. That's enough of that.
This episode, we went to see the fabulous Wicked, starring the wicked-ly talented, one and only Cyndana Enolo and Areola Granola. Oi! Travolta! Get off the keyboard!
Anyway, this is a fun one.
What am I talking about? They're all fun! Go back and listen to them all again! But listen to this one first...it's wicked. We hope you’re happy.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
EPISODE 41 - Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024) - 24-09-24 - "Magic, Motherf*cker!"
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Hi! It's us again. The Terrance Malick of podcasters. We wanted to evoke the massive gap between the original movie and it's sequel, so it was clearly on purpose. It's modern art.
This is another car episode and this time we went to see Beetleguise Beetleguise, the cleverly named second instalment of the budding franchise, directed once more by the great Tim Burton.
Did we like it? Listen to find out, you lazy sod.
Si managed to repurpose Greensleeves for the less reputable crowd, but it's so old that the original composer isn't around to sue him. Question for the masses - have you ever heard it on an ice cream van? Answers on a postcard to "The Broom Cupboard" please.
Also, if you like Your Highness, please let us know. We feel so alone.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Sunday Jun 23, 2024
EPISODE 40 - Conan The Barbarian (1982) - 23-06-24 - "Foot Soup"
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
By Crom, we did it! There's finally another episode after 5 months of dead air, but better some than none!
This episode is our 40th full length episode! Celebrate with us! Come and partake of our foot soup, a delicacy in Cimmeria, or perhaps you would like a bite of dead vulture?
We watched Conan The Barbarian, the classic 1982 swords and sorcery epic and the breakthrough of one Ah-nult Brownschwieger, the famous comedian.
So get ready for another full episode of "lllarrrllghhhhh"s and "eyyyeahhhgghhhh"s, we're sorry, not sorry.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
BONUS EPISODE - What We've Seen - "Wonky Jazz Hands" - 06-06-24
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
It's been a long while, dear listeners. And I know you're there because I see you listening, people in Ireland, Japan, Singapore, US, UK and Italy! You guys are awesome and thanks for listening, even when we're not putting out new episodes!
While I edit our latest full length episode (which, sadly, may be the only one until at least August due to lost of work, which is a good thing) have a Bonus with a capital B.
This is another general chat about what we've seen lately. And for some reason, Si did an odd gesture that can only be described as Wonky Jazz Hands, hence the title of this bite sized nugget of goodness.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Trap Ident by LEXMUSIC.

Monday Feb 19, 2024
EPISODE 39 - Hook (1991) - 19-02-24 - "That's A Floggin' Looly"
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Well, my stupid, sorry, parasitic sacks of entrails… a new episode awaits your listening pleasure.
Clear out the wax in your ears and use it to curl your moustache, because this week, we're talking about Steven Spielberg’s version of Peter flockin’ flyin’ Pan - Hook (1991)!
Peter Pan was a big deal to me. After having been to see the play, I rolled up paper and stuck it down the back of my shirt to emulate the wires the actors flew on and I ran around the house like that, flying and fighting Captain Hook. You can imagine my surpise when the men came to take me away. But I've been back for two weeks now and have never felt better.
But digression is a mortal sin, and I do digress.
Blah blah steamboat pickle schnozz on a pile of poo.
What follows is two hours long. Yes, two. Not one, not one and a half. Two.
My advice? Strap in. But get your enema first.
We have some preliminary discussions about the re-release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace on it's 25th anniversary and sex, two uneasy bedfellows.
Our quiz this week was sponsored by Hyperbollick Bollix and is a collossal waste of time and resources, so enjoy that. Si sure did!
And of course, our awfully big adventure with Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman and Julia Roberts, whose feet remain clean almost throughout (damn that inkpad) and all of whom are upstaged by a red mohawk.
Now, I want you to bend your heads ever so slightly. A little more...that's it. And brace yourselves listeners, because this...is really going to hurt...
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
EPISODE 38 - Arachnophobia (1990) - 17-01-24
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
What's your greatest phobia?
Si and Jonny delve deeply into the weird and baffling world of fear in this week's episode, our first one back in over 3 months!
Are you excited? Are you hopping up and down with glee? Are you perspiring with unfettered joy? Or is it more a case of a subtle raise of the eyebrows and a muttering of "oh, right..." before adding this to a perpetually growing queue of podcast episodes that you won't get to before 2026, if it even survives the inevitable purge in a few month's time?
Cynical? Moi?
Well, seeing as no-one reads this, I can say whatever I want, can't I? I like I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. Yes, I do. It's not the best, but I like it, so you can shove it up your arse. Yes, I've gone rogue and I don't care who knows it. I used to eat Coco Pops out of two plastic cups. One with Coco Pops and milk in it and one with just Coco Pops for a refill. It was glorious. I used to lie on my bed, watch 24 and eat it with a plastic spoon. I bloody loved it and I'm not even ashamed. The song "Hello, Hello, Hello" by Remi Wolf is on my playlist and I don't skip it when it comes on. You wanna start something? Come on! I'm right here! The ship sinks! Bruce Willis is a ghost! It's a sled!!!
Sorry about that. I seem to have gotten Gizmo wet and fed the offspring after midnight...
So here's another episode, we talked about Jaws...er...Arachnophobia.
The one with the spiders and Harry from Speed.
Peace out.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
EPISODE 37 - Sleepy Hollow (1999) - 04-10-23
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Welcome to spooooooky season on WOSN! This week we reviewed Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, a ghoulish tale of a murdering spectre with a tendency to lop awff the noggin.
Why does that make Jonny Northern? No idea. It just happened. Best to just go with it.
Along the drawn out way we hit the usual spots - Trivia Corner, VFX Cavalcade of Whatever, Movie News and yet another quiz that had Si scratching his...head.
So, grab yourselves a nightcap, settle down by the fire and lock your doors. Don't worry, he won't come for you unless you've pissed off Miranda Richardson lately...
Enjoy another steaming cup of Si and Jonny this Halloween as we delve into the mysterious happenings of...Sleepy Hollow.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
BONUS EPISODE - Typecasting and WOSN in the Park - “A Prominent Schnozz” - 24-08-23
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Summer is still here. It just won't go away. And yet, we managed a bonus episode to keep you going until such time as we can peel ourselves back up off the floor and get back to it.
This episode is made up of two discussions that unintentionally wound up connecting to each other.
We talked typecasting, Alan Rickman was mentioned.
A couple of weeks later we recorded, on Si's PHONE ( the shaaaame!) an impromptu discussion on the subject of THAT nose while with our kids in the park. The results...well, I'll let you decide.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
EPISODE 36 - Speed (1994) - 17-08-23
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Si was a bit impatient during this one. He felt that an episode concerning the movie Speed should run at a brisk pace.
I had other plans, clearly. I say clearly, because editing this thing during the summer holidays with work and kids on my back, I haven't heard this since we recorded it two weeks ago, so here I am scolding my past self for being, well, annoying.
The main thing is that it's here. It managed to pull it's way up from limbo and into your delicate ears, much like one of those parasite things from Star Trek 2.
So here we go. Pop quiz, hotshot. There's an episode of WOSN, it's an hour or so long and you've only got half an hour to listen to it. What do you do?
Well, listen to the first half hour, put it on pause and then listen to the rest later. You nonce.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Friday Jul 07, 2023
EPISODE 35 - Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) - 07-07-23
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Last week, the Duke of Buttley and Lord Fartlebee went to see Indiana Jones and the Vial of Density and we recorded this episode in the car on the way home. While our opinions of the movie haven't changed, fridge logic has now set in and we've found even more holes in it than Sonny Corleone.
But before we got to that, Si voiced his thoughts on last week's interview with my very special guest (our very first "previously on WOSN") and you can listen to some more out of date movie news!
So, set the alarms on your dials of destiny, because this is one episode you won't want to miss.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.