Jonny is a filmmaker and Si is a 3D graphic artist. We are two brothers who love films. If you do as well, maybe you‘ll enjoy listening to us discuss movies, good and bad, while we relive our childhoods, deconstruct them and go off on tangents. Be advised, this podcast contains strong language, including sexual swearwords.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
EPISODE 34 - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) “Pastrami! Pastrami!” - 28-06-23
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Hello, and welcome to the new What's Our Seat Number. No longer the frivolous, whimsical, sarcastic and erotic podcast that you're used to. Instead we will now approach each subject with serious, sober reflection and a grave, businesslike demenour. You can call us Fred Austere. This podcast is now officially dour and funereal.
Right down to that strange hiccuping, burping noise Si made. He also channels Luis from Ant-Man for some of the finest summarising anyone's ever done, ever.
This week, we review Steven Spielberg and George Lucas' classic Raiders of the Lost Ark, for no apparent reason other than we wanted to. No-one else has done anything Indiana Jones-centric this month at all, and there's nothing significant happening in the world of Indiana Jones right now.
We also decided to keep it short, glossing over each scene with never so much as more than a passing mention, for a paltry 2 hours, making this one of our shortest episodes ever for a film we really have no nostalgia, reverence or even a mild passion for. It's really just a big dud, isn't it? Perfectly round boulders made of fibreglass? Ha. Bollocks. That's not realistic at all. Boulders are made of rock. Idiots.
Si came up with an awesome Indy quiz that stumped Jonny more frequently than once...and quick visits to Trivia Corner and VFX Attic reveal Raiders' secrets that you can likely Google and find more quickly than it took us to talk about them.
Hear Si complain about the speed of our progress every few minutes (which invariably slows us down further) and hear Jonny pronounce Toht as Tote several times (that’s how Spielberg says it, but maybe it’s pronounced Tot?)
PLUS! Jonny brings on a very special guest to talk about her opinion of Raiders' ending, something they disagree on, but Jonny's stuck with her, so what to do... witness the podcast debut of Michal Gross, Jonny’s missus.
So sit back and relax, because this ramble will take you on a journey. Where, you ask? I don't know, we're making this up as we go...
POD ART - Once again Si has conjured up some awesome episode art for this episode. I'm just glad he didn't go with the mooning golden idol with my face on it...
Check him out on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/sigrossart
Instagram - sigrossart
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
BONUS EPISODE - The Flash (2023) NOW WITH EXTRA SI! - 22-06-23
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
You wanna get nuts? I know a place that sells nuts and many assorted snacks! Let's get some nuts!
This week's episode is a solo affair, and no, I'm not talking about a middling Star Wars movie...or wanking...I just went to see a film that my partner in pod and biological brother, Si, has not seen.
I took an afternoon off and went to see The Flash by my lonesome. The film stars intermittently annoying Ezra Miller as the Scarlet Speedster, while a couple of previous Batmen show up to ensure audience turnout.
In the words of Louis from The Princess and the Frog - it didn't end well. Box office has been somewhat below expectations for Andy Muschietti's fanbaiting multiverse flick, despite some positive reactions, and while it is an amusing way to pass a couple of hours and Michael Keaton is always welcome, there are some issues that keep it from achieving greatness.
Listen on for my thoughts!
This episode now comes with a generous helping of SI!
Si unexpectedly watched the movie and we chatted about it right here in this updated episode!
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.

Sunday Jun 11, 2023
EPISODE 33 - Superman II (1980, 2006) - “Thoopahman” - 11-06-23
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
In 1980, Superman II was released to great fanfare and adoration, but it was NOT credited to original director Richard Donner. Donner had in fact been removed from the project halfway through the simultaneous filming of both movies and Richard Lester (The Three Musketeers '73) was brought in to replace him. The result is vastly different to what was planned. In 2006 Donner got the chance to unearth his discarded footage and recut the film to suit his original vision. Is it better? Is it worse? Well, that's what we're here to talk about!
We compare and contrast both films exhaustively with another visit to trivia corner (hosted this week by a pair of invading Daleks) and some more Jonny and Si bants that you can only get right here!
Don't forget to like, subscribe and leave us a review!
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
EPISODE 32 - Superman The Movie (1978) - “Miss TessmachEEEERRR!” - 04-06-23
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
I'm going to teach you all something very very valuable right now about podcasting. Prepare yourselves, because these are pearls of wisdom right here.
The key to having a successful podcast is CONSISTENCY.
So here we are, willy nilly releasing episodes a couple of weeks apart, a couple of months apart...our last full episode was mid-April...so...yeah. Consistency. Always consistency.
Having said that, this episode is a cracker!
Where else can you get Movie News that's over a month old without going back and listening to old...
...yeah, I suppose you could do that. And why not? We have fun, don't we?
This week's episode deals with the absolute clusterfuck that was the making of Superman The Movie and Superman II.
And next week, we go into to detail comparing and contrasting Superman II the theatrical cut with the more recent Richard Donner Cut, the original director who was fired after having completed 80% of Superman II and was given a chance in 2006 to realise his vision. Also, we got a couple of Daleks to do Trivia Corner, so listen out for that...
Also be sure to take a gander at Si's pod art for this week, it's bloody gorgeous!
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.
Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge.
News by MusicalSmile.

Friday Apr 28, 2023
BONUS EPISODE - Puss in Boots and Super Mario Bros - 28-04-23
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Here's another bonus episode for you lovely people while we at WOSN er...get our act together.
It's-a us!
In this little amuse bouche, we talk about our kids and, along the way, we perhaps mention Puss in Boots and The Super Mario Bros Movie. We stopped short of showing pictures of our little ankle biters. I mean it's a podcast, you wouldn't be able to see them, that's just ridiculous.
In amongst the movie and tyke-talk, we regale you with anecdotes and delightful bon mots that you can only get here at What's Our Seat Number. It's classy, it's up-market. We also say "fuck" occaisonally because our vocabularies are low.
So, once again, slip on a pair of headphones, perhaps a gimp mask and some latex (we don't judge here) and put your feet up to enjoy yet another fun-filled episode of this here podcast.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
EPISODE 31 - Renfield (2023) - “BooHOO!” - 19-04-23
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Do you know your ABC? You'd better if Nic Cage is around...
This week, we went see Renfield, a new comedy/horror flick, which would have been just fine on it's own. Nicholas Hoult is a great actor, the premise - Dracula's familiar in modern day New Orleans joins a support group for the abused - is high concept and funny. But then you turn away. Then you blink. Then someone says "Nicolas Cage IS Draaaaacuuuulaaaa" and that's all she wrote. You've now spilled your hot choccy all down your nice new sweater in sheer excitement. Everything that that suggests and more is fulfilled in this movie. Repeat that to yourself in a whisper on a loop. Nicolas Cage is Dracula. Yeah, he is!
There's also another round of "Stop, Hey, What's That Sound?", movie news, trivia, dad puns and more sound clips than you can swish a cape at.
So, don’t have a tansy. Chuck that beverage soaked sweater in the wash, warm up some donor blood in the microwave and get ready to listen to yet another...erm, solid? Yeah, I'd say solid. Perfectly solid...episode of this here podcast.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.
Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge.
News by MusicalSmile.

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
BONUS EPISODE - Q&A and (belated) Oscars Chat - 26-03-23
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
How many filmmakers does it take to change an SD card? Why do we keep asking the talent to clap before a take? Why is there never a craft services trailer on my set?
All these questions and many, many more that you've always dreamed of asking...won't be answered in this episode. If you want to ask your own questions please send them to us on our Facebook or Twitter pages.
What we do have on this week's bonus episode is a Q&A sent in by devoted fan (and possible stalker) ShaCass, whose wife has tried to make me diet relapse by force feeding me an offical Scramballed cookie the other night at the Scramballed launch party...
By the way, Scramballed is a game on the Nintendo Switch that Si made. Give him some props, he deserves it.
Follow on Facebook - facebook.com/scramballed
and Twitter - twitter.com/unboxedexp
Elsewehere, there's some sooooo last week belated Oscar chat, so stick around for that. Conclusions? Inconclusive. Just that the Oscars happened and something about Hugh Grant. Felt cute. Might publish. TL;DR - an episode happened.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Trap Ident by LEXMUSIC.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
EPISODE 30 - Cocaine Bear (2023) - “where’s the beeeaaar?!” - 21-03-23
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
This week, we review a PT Anderson-like instant classic about a mother searching for her daughter in the woods, a cop trying to find meaning in life by way of his love for dogs, a ranger trying to keep control of the local thugs, a pair of drug dealers finding friendship amid grief and suffering and...a bear hopped up on cocaine gone on a rampage, ripping anyone who gets in her way limb from limb.
That's right! It's Cocaine Bear!
You'll never look at another severed leg again without the desire to snort a line off it.
I'm fairly certain that when my daughter asks me to find her Winnie the Pooh toy tonight. I'm going to go look for it yelling "where's the BEEEEAAAARRRR!"
As usual, the Brothers Bantz (TM) er...banter, we give you your weekly dose of movie news and another round of Stop, Hey, What's That Sound? And later, trivia and VFX chat.
So grab your razorblade, roll up a 20, or simply have a friend pour a pack over your head while you wistfully sigh something about cocaine Christmas, and hit play. Do it.
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood
Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.
Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge.
News by MusicalSmile.
A Halloween - Wolf_Music

Sunday Mar 19, 2023
BONUS EPISODE - Skydiving, 80’s Creepers and DC - 19-03-23
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
What's Our Seat Number episodes are like buses. You wait months for one and then two come along at the same time.
Once again, we gift you, free of charge, free of obligation, free of wit or intelligence, a bonus episode of our illustrious, prestigious and presumtuous podcast.
Please enjoy the following prattle - we discuss the one thing that Jonny needs in order to bribe him into jumping out of a perfectly good plane sans spleen, we ruminate on the 80's "nice guys" of yesteryear (it WAS yesteryear, I'm NOT turning 40 in July) and we wrap up with a quick discussion about our favourite DC shows.
Enjoy, but don't go overboard. We don't want too much excitement at this age...
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Trap Ident by LEXMUSIC.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
EPISODE 29 - Scream VI (2023) - 15-03-23
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
SCREAVI is the new Scream movie, bucking the trend of awkwardly stylized titles with numbers in them. No, I lie. It’s pretty awkward. At least they didn’t call it Scream 2.
We went to see this movie the other night and then recorded this very episode you hold in your ears, while sitting in the car. No one need ever rent studio time again, this is a patent, it sounds way better than doing it in an actual room in a building.
We chat about some fairly unrelated stuff and have some belated movie news (seriously, even the physical, printed papers are ahead of us) before diving into a discussion of the movie in general and then we go into spoilers with fair warning.
Pull up a chair, grab a steaming plate of Punkishin (or bowl? We haven’t decided yet) and savor every moment of this week’s episode, because Xenu knows when we’ll be able to do it again…
What should your end credits theme be? Let us know in the comments!
Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude.
Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal.
Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions.
Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge.
News by MusicalSmile.